"My daughter was born in January 2019 and immediately her ears would fold over when holding her, creating a point in the ear and also causing the natural crease in the ear to almost disappear [antihelix not properly formed]. We were advised not to worry that the ears were folding, however after a few weeks it became apparent that the ears were becoming more pointed and that this was going to become permanent if we didn’t do anything.
After speaking to my GP and hearing her experiences of failed, painful ear pinning operations on children I decided to do some research. I came across the EarBuddies website and after reading many parent testimonials and looking at before and after pictures, we decided to give them a try. We said that we would only continue as long as EarBuddies were not bothering her and they didn’t bother her at all. They were easy to apply while she was sleeping and she was not aware of them at all. The tapes didn’t irritate her skin and the instructions were very clear and easy to follow. They were also easily hidden by cute headbands.
Before EarBuddies - 8 weeks old
After 8 weeks using EarBuddies
Before EarBuddies - 8 weeks old
After 8 weeks using EarBuddies
We applied the EarBuddies at 8 weeks and within the first 2 weeks there was a clear difference. Now at 16 weeks we are so happy with the results. Her ear has a clear, neat shape and you would never know there had been a point to them 8 weeks ago. I would recommend EarBuddies to any parents looking for an easy, pain-free solution to misshapen ears."