We make every effort to allow as many customers as possible worldwide to purchase EarBuddies products. We hold no sway, however, over the Customs handling in individual countries, or the processing of international packages in the country of delivery. If you order using our standard delivery option, but the postal system in your country is unreliable, then in most cases the goods will arrive safely, albeit sometimes a little late. However, EarBuddies cannot be held responsible for delays or non-deliveries.
If you want to be certain of a successful delivery, we recommend that you purchase through a Shop and Ship system. Some of our customers use www.ShopandShip.com. Click here to see a tutorial on how Shop and Ship works.
If you are worried about shipping delays, we would always strongly recommend the Premium Pack, so you have everything you need, and you aren’t caught out by shipping delays if you need to order additional supplies.