Home Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy

Please read our Privacy Policy carefully before using this website and when placing an order. Use of this website indicates that you accept the Privacy Policy terms and conditions and those of the Delivery and Returns Policy and Terms and Conditions.

1. Introduction

EarBuddies takes special care in handling the data you give us. This Privacy Policy sets out the ways EarBuddies processes personal data collected via our website www.earbuddies.com.

2. How We Use Personal Information

EarBuddies collects and uses personal data, and may use it to inform you of how we develop goods and services, and to keep in touch with you (if you have specifically requested this). We will not sell, share or lease your data with any third parties.

3. How We Analyse Access Logs

EarBuddies analyses web server access logs to help us continually improve the content of our website. An access log is a list of all the requests for individual files that people have requested from a website.

4. Cookies

Cookies are not used on this website.

5. Enquiries

If you have any enquiries regarding your personal data, please write to: Ear Buddies Ltd, Northgate, 118 North Street, Leeds, LS2 7PN.

6. Changes To Our Privacy Policy

The details of our Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions and Delivery and Returns Policy may change over time. You should check these documents frequently to see if any recent amendments or additions have been made.

7. Last Modified

The Privacy Policy terms and conditions were last modified on 31th January 2017.