David Gault FRCS Consultant Plastic Surgeon
David Gault - FRCS Consultant Plastic Surgeon
David Gault, the Plastic Surgeon who developed EarBuddies, has now retired from clinical practice.
"EarBuddies have been available worldwide for over 20 years, but far too often, parents are falsely reassured that their baby's ears will get better without treatment," says David Gault FRCS, Consultant Plastic Surgeon at London's Portland Hospital for Women and Children. "The very opposite is usually the case – the ears can look normal at birth, and parents are relieved, especially if there is a family history. Over the next three to six months, as the ear cartilage starts to harden, the ears slowly drift outwards. Often it's a chance comment by a friend or relative that draws parents' attention to what can be a lifetime source of embarrassment if uncorrected."
"Splintage offers a real chance to avoid an operation, and all the teasing that comes before it. If EarBuddies are used early, sticking-out or odd-looking ears can become a thing of the past."
Background and Training
David Gault became a Consultant in 1991, having graduated from Edinburgh University (MB ChB 1977). He trained in Plastic Surgery at St Andrews Hospital, St. Thomas’ Hospital, London and The Royal Marsden Hospital, London. He was Fellow to Dr. Daniel Marchac in Paris, and trained with Burt Brent in California, Francois Firmin in Paris and Satoru Nagata in Japan.
Development of new techniques and devices
David Gault has developed several new techniques and devices, now in use worldwide. In a combined project with the Swansea Institute, he developed the Depilation (hair removal) Laser. He designed an extravasation kit to flush-out noxious chemotherapy agents when they leak from the infusion site, an innovation which saves many limbs each year. His ear reconstruction methods have permitted better results and shorter procedures, and his pinnaplasty (surgery to reshape and, usually, to pin back the ear) techniques have greatly reduced the risk of post-operative haematoma, which can have catastrophic consequences.
He developed the EarBuddies system when one of his own children was born with a misshapen ear.
Academic output
Membership of professional organisations
During his surgical career, David Gault was a member of: