Luise & her son Tallan

Luise & her son Tallan

“During a long night feed, EarBuddies popped up on my Facebook, I had to wake my partner and show him immediately. After a few passing comments about our son's ears and noticing more and more he wasn’t ‘growing’ into them, it was a case of what have we got to lose? I ordered them immediately and fitted them the day after they arrived.

I found it easier to clip his hair before his bath and then fit his ear splints after his feed and whilst he was dosing. I always kept a close eye on his ears and as soon as I noticed any redness I removed immediately, sometimes prematurely. Any redness was always calmed with the Medihoney. I definitely recommend buying the additional strips as you do seem to use more than you think! Especially with additional changes. Although the Appeel Wipes were good I would recommend buying the spray, it made removal very easy and didn’t upset my son at all.

We had to stop our journey slightly early as my son played with his ears as he slept and he was starting to peel his tapes which was waking him, but we are still extremely happy with the results! The earlier you start and the younger they are the better!”

UPDATE: Luise also provided the following update photos 16 Months after using EarBuddies:

“These are recent photos to show some further results after some more growing.”

Ear Solution for Babies

16 Months after Finishing EarBuddies

Instagram Ear Buddies

16 Months after Finishing EarBuddies

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