"We went to see David Gault in June when my Daughter was 5 months old. We were worried that we had left it too late to see any results but David assured us that if we wanted it and were willing to put in the effort it would work!

Before EarBuddies - 5 months old

After 16 Weeks using EarBuddies
We were amazed by how quickly the ear changed shape even after a few weeks. We continued to splint for 16 weeks and the results are just amazing. We are so happy! They didn’t bother her at all, she had a few inflamed ears over the 16 weeks but nothing a day without the tapes didn’t fix! So happy we did this and the results speak for themselves!"

Before EarBuddies

After 16 Weeks

Before EarBuddies

After 16 Weeks
Follow Up - 4 Months Later:
"I just want to say, after I finished taping Elise’s ears there was a part of me that thought this will never stay and might drift back. We haven’t had the splints on now for 4 months and her ears are still perfect! I honestly can’t believe that EarBuddies isn’t better known, it’s such a simple way to fix the issue! I’ve attached a photo of her today to show how great her ears still look 😊"