Jacquelyn & her Son

Jacquelyn & her Son

"We noticed very early after he was born that his ears were not only a little misshapen [Folded-Over Helical Rim] but they also looked like two different ears. At his two week appointment with his Pediatrician, I asked her if there was anything that we could do to help correct his ear shape. She told us that we only had two options. One, we could leave them alone and see if their shape changes as he gets older. Two, we could wait until he was a few years old and if we still were concerned about their shape we could look into getting him corrective surgery. We just did not accept this as an answer.

We thought that surely there was something that we could do...long story short, I went on the internet and did a ton of research. I came across a message board where a mother had used EarBuddies to correct her sons ears. She shared the link for the website. I went on the website, saw that the earlier you splint them the better. After going back and forth for a few weeks...and more research, we decided to purchase EarBuddies when our son was 5 weeks old. They arrived very quickly! The day they arrived we immediately went to work putting them on. It took a little bit of time to get it right but not too bad, and our son was not bothered one bit by the fitting process! We left them on 24/7, changing the tape, and making sure his ears stayed clean every week. After 3 weeks of splinting the results were nothing short of amazing!

Baby's Ear folded over

Right ear before EarBuddies

after using Ear Buddies

After 3 weeks

Folded Over Ears can be Fixed without Surgery

Left ear before EarBuddies

Recent Ear Buddies Results

After 3 Weeks

His ears went from looking like two different ears, pointed and squished, to looking perfectly shaped and almost identical. We followed the directions on the EarBuddies website and left the splints on an additional two weeks to finish out our five weeks. The splints came off when he was 10 weeks old. (We splinted from 5 weeks old to 10 weeks old) and our son is now 14 weeks old with perfectly shaped ears! I am so glad that we decided to order these! Best decision ever.

When we went back to his Pediatrician for his 2 month follow up appointment, we decided to show his Pediatrician his results and let her know that we were splinting with EarBuddies. She was amazed at his results and honestly was a bit speechless...which we kind of enjoyed seeing as she told us at two weeks that there was really nothing we could do. So glad we didn't listen. Thank you again for making such an amazing product. We feel like our son can grow with confidence and not ever have to feel self conscious about his ears! Thank you, thank you, thank you! The Knight Family :)"

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