Emma, Peter & their Daughter Sophie

Emma, Peter & their Daughter Sophie

"Our gorgeous daughter was born in December 2018. By a couple of months old we noticed that her ears had started to protrude and were continuing to grow outwards. What worried us most was that they would fold over on themselves when she was feeding, moving her head when lying down, or when we put her into the car seat. This caused the back of her ears to catch and rub on things as the cartilage was still quite soft.

As well as the fact that this was uncomfortable for her, we were worried about the possibility of them continuing to grow outwards and maybe be a point of self-consciousness for her when she was older, or a subject of ridicule. We were aware of the availability of ear pinning operations when she was older but we really didn’t like the thought of future painful surgery. We were advised to research EarBuddies by the GP and when we read other parents’ experiences we decided to give them a try.

baby with a folded taco ear sticking out

Before EarBuddies - 4 months old

baby's ear splint treatment with ear buddies

EarBuddies fitted

Baby ear photo review ear buddies

During EarBuddies Treatment

Baby ear review ear buddies

After 11 weeks using EarBuddies

They were very easy to put on and take off and never bothered our beautiful daughter once, even though she has always been a very alert, active baby and we didn’t get started until she was 4 months old. They were also easy to hide behind pretty hairbands which actually just served to invite more compliments! After only 11 weeks she is now 6 and half months and the EarBuddies have made a huge difference, especially as the cartilage has begun to harden in the correct position. Thanks EarBuddies, we’re so pleased and now definitely know we made the right decision! We really couldn’t be happier with the results!"

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